Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Thanks Everyone

Many thanks to those of you who supported my mayoral candidacy.

While I am disappointed not to move on, I am glad to have had the experience.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Candidate Forum

When: Wednesday, Sept. 2 at 6:00pm
Where: MSU-COT

The actual forum begins at 6:00pm and is scheduled to run until 8:00pm. At 5:30pm, there is a "meet and greet" reception.

Questions are to be asked by Gary Moseman of the Tribune. If there is enough time, questions will be taken from the audience, although they have to be presented to the moderator in writing beforehand.

7th And Last Question: Commission Raises

This is the last question asked of the candidates by the Tribune:

Should part-time city commissioners give themselves a raise? Commissioners receive $487 per month, and the mayor receives $643 per month, in pay and expenses, and both positions qualify for health insurance.
Given the economic conditions and that the city's 2009-2010 budget was not at all flush with excessive cash, the commissioners should not give themselves a raise.

6th Question: Why Did The Levies Fail?

Here is my answer to this question:

Why did the city police and fire special levies fail, and what should be done, if anything, to improve staffing in those departments?

I believe the levies failed due to the tough economic times, although I do think citizens are also getting sick and tired of fiscal irresponsibility on the part of the city. Funds continue to lose money and, with the support from the incumbents, the city's reserves continue to be spent to cover these shortfalls. I am not at all confident in the numbers presented by the city, and I am not positive that we needed a public safety levy in the first place.

5th Question: Speaking Limitation

Do you favor continuing to limit speakers to 5 minutes each during the commission's public comment period?
No, I do not favor limiting speakers to a 5-minute time limit. The mayor controls the meeting and, from the outset, can remind folks that in the interest of others, comments should be limited. If a speaker ignores that request, the mayor, as the chair of the meeting, can graciously tell them to conclude their remarks.

Not only do citizens have comments, but many times they also also have questions about various issues. Those questions and any answers they might receive currently go against their five minutes. This is not fair. Government belongs to the people, not the other way around.

4th Question: Pay Raises

Considering economic conditions, should the city continue to give pay increases of more than 3 percent annually to city employees?

I would not have voted for this increase. In these tough economic times and the less than rosy financial picture of the city, an increase of 3 percent should not have been authorized. If elected your mayor, I will vote against any raises for the 2010-2011 budget year.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

3rd Question - Golf And Swim Funds

Here is my response to the following Tribune question:

What should the city do to improve the bottom line for its golf courses, which are to receive $245,000 in subsidies this year, and swimming pools, which are scheduled to receive a subsidy of more than $580,000 from the general fund?

I think both of these funds need to be examined very closely as to why they continue to lose money. It concerns me greatly when the director of the Fiscal Service Department reported that the golf fund would receive a $240,000 "gift" from the general fund. This was done in order to reduce the red ink this fund has been wallowing in for the past several years. Shifting monies around to make certain funds look better does not solve the problem. it adds to it.

There's a reason(s) why both of these funds continue to lose money, but before I can suggest solutions, I need to see exactly what is going on.