Monday, June 29, 2009

What Do You Think?

Since I regularly attend City Commission meetings and have been for the last three years, I have seen first hand what happens when folks disagree with what the city suggests.

They are ignored. Even if folks just question what is being proposed, they are more often than not treated like the enemy. There is no excuse for this.

I am not running because I think I have all the answers to our problems. Absolutely, I do not. In fact, nobody does, but I do believe that by working together, we can find the right solutions to what ails us. I don't have an agenda other than to open up our government and let the sun shine in!

As I mentioned here, I think the most important issue to face our city has been our relationship with SME. Maybe you agree, maybe not.

Now is your chance to tell me what you think.

Maybe only one issue I've listed below is of concern to you or maybe all of them. If you have several, try to list them in order of importance to you. It would be very helpful if you would also tell me why you feel the way you do.

Even if I mentioned something you are not familiar with, tell me that too.

Some of the issues:

* City not practicing OTAG (Open, Transparent, Accountable Government)
* City's involvement with SME
* City's decision to go with public power (ECP)
* City's proposed 2010 budget
* City/County relationship
* Water rights
* Public safety levy
* Animal shelter
* Malmstrom AFB
* Downtown revitalization/parking meters
* Economic development; industrial parks
* Parks, Recreation (golf, swimming pools)
* Other

(Please read this, if you wish to comment).


  1. Sandra,

    Thanks for getting your blog out there. My biggest concern is the city's involvement with SME. As in... we've wasted enough taxpayer money on it and it's time for the city to get out.

  2. Thanks for your posts and educating and we're
    all eagerly awaiting forums and debates where you can engage your knowledge and skills....
