Wednesday, August 26, 2009

2nd Question: Recycling Fee

Here is my response to the second question posed by the Tribune:

City government may soon consider a $1.50 monthly charge on city households to support recycling, which has been a money-losing venture for the city. Would you favor such a fee, and why or why not?

At this time, I do not favor the city continuing its involvement in recycling. First and foremost, cities have a responsibility to provide core services in a fiscally prudent manner. Providing recycling services is not a core service of the city. It has been reported from the Public Works Department that even by adding this proposed fee, recycling will continue to lose money. It is not fiscally responsible to continue to provide a secondary service that doesn't break even.

This is a service that should be left to the private sector. Why this city has such a penchant to stick its nose into private business is beyond me.

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